S.E.A. of Galilee Fellowship Study

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Prayer Bible Study Outline For Small Groups

I just completed the “Prayer Bible Study for Small Groups”.

This discovery study outline was designed for studying what the Bible actually says about prayer. This study covers what prayer is and isnt’t, what it takes to get prayers answered, what might block some prayers, what makes good prayers and not good prayers, how to pray etc. while still focussing on the teaching and leading of the Holy Spirit.

If you fail to pray, it is like praying to fail!

This topic is so key to everything we do and to our personal relationship with our Heavenly Father that it seems like it is a tremandously important study to undertake for all of us and to allow ourselves to be changed by.  IF YOU FAIL TO PRAY; IT IS ALMOST LIKE PRAYING TO FAIL!

This study is not designed to be just about learning however, the focus is on going from learning, to doing to living a lifestyle of prayer.

The studies are created to use the same discovery concepts the S.E.A. of Galilee Fellowship uses for all studies:

S = SCRIPTURE; read and discuss a passage

E = EXPLANATION; look at questions that help explore and discover what the passage is really saying (what God is saying through this particular passage to mankind, to your household and specifically to you)

A = APPLICATION; participants make a commitment to take action on what was revealed as what God wants from us through the study (the teaching them to obey from The Great Commission.

The studies are designed for leadership to be done by a person who is facilitating the study and not by a teacher etc. the facilitators main job is to get everyone involved in the discussion for each question.

The other task the facilitator has is to teach the group to lovingly ask “Where do you see that in this passage” if someone brings up something that is not related to the passage being discussed or some perceived heresy.

The webpage where the study is found can be accesed by clicking https://seaofgalilee.wordpress.com/prayer-bible-study-outline-for-small-groups/

The actual study itself can be accessed by clicking https://seaofgalilee.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/prayer-bible-study.pdf

You can print the PDF file from there or you can go back and forth to the page for reference as needed.

I pray that your praying and prayers will be blessed and inspired of God,

W. Lawrence Hess